MrBeast Height

My overarching goal in life is to make a lot of money and then before I die, give it away.

Perhaps 6'4" is the ideal height for a man -- at least most people think so. Anyone anywhere close to this height, especially people 6'2" or 6'3" tall claim to be 6'4". We think MrBeast is one such person.

MrBeast is very big in the world of YouTube -- and he is big in real life as well, but is he as tall as he claims to be? We think not, we have good reasons for this.

MrBeast used to claim to be 6 feet 3 inches tall but now has decided that he deserves that extra inch for all the hard work he has done on YouTube, which will propel him to the mythical height of 6 feet 4 inches -- of that exclusive elite club, people like Jason Momoa, Lee Pace, etc belong.

When asked about his height on Twitter, he claimed to be 6'4" tall. A well-intentioned person named no less than Bestapedia asked if MrBeast has grown an inch recently because Mr. Beast used to claim 6'3" for himself. Ha, MrBeast beasted!

This was enough to raise our suspicions. We took a careful look at Mr. Beast and compared his height to that of people like Jake Paul (5'11"), Gordon Ramsay (6'2"),  Niko Omilana (around 6'4"), and more.

Now we have come to the conclusion that MrBeast might touch the 6'4" mark on a stadiometer -- but only with some good sneakers on, otherwise, barefoot he would only touch the 6'3" mark but only in the mornings.

By the way, MrBeast weighs 220 lb (100 kg), as befitting someone of his stature.

The real height of MrBeast is

6'2¾" or 190 cm

MrBeast standing with Jason Momoa and Logan Paul
MrBeast with Jason Momoa (6'4"), and Logan Paul (6'1½")

MrBeast is an exceptional person. These quotes from him prove this.


I’m numb to money.

His drive.

After some point, it’s like you feel like you should quit but you want it so badly you just keep going.

Love of walking.

I like to walk, I’m just really random.

Doing one thing really well.

I suck at fashion I literally suck at anything but not YouTube.

Enjoying yourself at work.

Everyone was having a blast doing something unique and fun.

One grand.

I give away so much money now that like a thousand dollars doesn’t really feel like much to me.

Sneaky clickbaits.

I think on YouTube, it’s different, and people just haven’t realized it: positivity is just as clickbait as negativity.


I’m motivated because I want to support my mom and my family.

Helping friends.

I am motivated because I want to employ my friends and help them.

Ideas for videos.

I would stay up all night just thinking of ideas.

Desire to become a YouTuber.

I remember thinking like every day back then like I’m never gonna be YouTuber, but I really want to be a YouTuber. 

Helping people.

I do like helping people like I don’t have a mansion or a nice car.

Big ideas and a big budget.

My mindset was just ‘reinvest everything I make – every time I got a paycheck, that was the month’s budget.

You have done it, dude.

I want to have a hundred million subscribers one day.


My whole teenage years were grinding on YouTube.

His sacrifice.

So many people say they want to do what I do but it’s like do you really cause I literally gave up my entire teenage years.

Controversy and negativity.

There’s a big misconception that controversy and negativity is the only way to get clicks, because that’s how it is in the media, for the most part, they don’t want good stories, they just want bad things.

The secret place where the ideas come from.

You just gotta study your thought cause like that’s all it is it’s just what you think about and what inspires you.

Failing and learning.

You gotta fail for the most part to learn.

The power of money.

I want to make money so that later on in life I can do big things.

MrBeast wants to help people.

Just fun to help people.

His journey as a YouTuber.

So I saved up a dollar a day to buy a microphone, when I made a few thousand, I just spent a few thousand, when I made ten thousand, I just spent ten thousand. As I made more videos, I was like I want to spend it on videos somehow.